Interdisciplinary Minors

CSAMES offers an interdisciplinary minor in the Study of the Islamic World. The minor is designed for students interested in developing an expertise in one or more parts of the Islamic World or in Islamic culture generally, as a complement to their disciplinary major. 

CSAMES also offers an interdisciplinary minor in South Asian Studies.  The minor is especially suited for students with a South Asia focus as a complement to their disciplinary study. The structure of the minor provides students a great amount of flexibility; possible areas of emphasis include language and literature, as well as history and social sciences. 

Completion of either minor requires 18-20 credit hours (South Asian Studies) and 19 credit hours (Study of the Islamic World) in applicable courses with a minimum grade-point average of 2.75. The courses selected by students for the Minor should form a coherent program of study and must meet the approval of the Director in the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.


To pursue a campus-approved minor, complete this form