10/27/2023 - UIUC Students Distinguish Themselves at the U.S. Universities Arab Debating Championship UIUC students demonstrated their excellence at the 4th United States Arabic Debating Championship (USADC),...
Awards and Achievements
10/16/2022 - Mabrook (Congratulations!) to Dr. Eman Saadah and the UIUC Arabic Debate team who competed in last week's Arabic Debate at Stanford University! Team member Suad Al Jawhari received first...
12/02/2020 - Executive Director Jerry Davila has announced that Professor Waïl Hassan has been appointed Director of the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies beginning January, 2021. Dr. Hassan is a...
11/15/2020 - Department of Education Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Languages (UISFL) program awarded to the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (CSAMES) for the 2020-2022 academic...
08/15/2020 - In this book Professor Livny presents a new argument for conceptualizing religion as both a personal belief system and collective identity. For more information, go...
06/15/2020 - Professor Ghassan Moussawi's new book is the first comprehensive study to employ the lens of queer lives in the Arab World to understand everyday life disruptions, conflicts, and violence. From...
06/15/2020 - Director and Lecturer of the Turkish Language Program Dr. Ayse Ozcan has been integrating U of I into the Mellon Collaborative Partners Project, which is carried out by Consortium for Language...
05/30/2020 - These awards include the 2019 L. Carl Brown AIMS Book Prize in North African Studies; Honorable Mention for the 2019 Nikki Keddie Book Award from the Middle East Studies Association; Silver Medal for...
04/15/2020 - CSAMES Associate Director Dr. Angela Williams has published the first book dedicated to female rap artists from the Middle East and North Africa and their representations of womanhood and girlhood. ...
04/15/2020 - Kenneth Cuno, professor of the modern Middle East, received the Illinois Student Government Teaching Excellence Award. This award is given by students to recognize and thank excellent instructors at...
03/09/2020 - Professor Wail Hassan was selected as a fellow to work on a book project, "Arab Brazil: Literature Culture and Orientalism." For more information, go...
02/15/2020 - The Tārīkh al-fattāsh is one of the most important and celebrated sources for the history of pre-colonial West Africa, yet it has confounded scholars for decades with its inconsistencies and...
05/01/2019 - The Fred M. Gottheil Faculty Award was presented in May 2019 by the Department of Economics at UIUC to Hadi Esfahani, Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for South Asian and Middle...