Research Interests
North African Literature and Film
Al-Andalus (Medieval Muslim Iberia)
Modern Spanish Literature and Film
Arabic Literature
Mediterranean Studies
Postcolonial Studies
Travel Writing
Ph.D., Harvard University, 2011
B.A., Brown University, 2003
Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor, Program in Comparative and World Literature
Professor, History
Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
Professor, Program in Medieval Studies
Professor, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory
Professor, Center for African Studies
Professor, European Union Center
External Links
Honors & Awards
Conrad Humanities Scholar, 2018-2023
Lincoln Excellence for Assistant Professors (LEAP) Award, 2017-18
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 2016-2017
Recent Publications
Calderwood, E. S. (2023). On Earth or in Poems: The Many Lives of al-Andalus. Harvard University Press.
Calderwood, E. (2022). Strait Flow. PMLA, 137(5), 871-877.
Calderwood, E. S., & Fernández Parrilla, G. (2021). What Is Moroccan Literature? History of an Object in Motion. Journal of Arabic Literature, 52(1-2), 97-123.
Calderwood, E. (2019). Moroccan Jews and the Spanish colonial imaginary, 1903–1951. Journal of North African Studies, 24(1), 86-110.
Calderwood, E. (2019). Spanish in a global key. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 20(1-2), 53-65.