The CSAMES Award Fund is used to support students in various ways that will further the CSAMES mission.
The CSAMES Award Fund was established in 2017 to support student paper prizes, study abroad scholarships, and other creative competitions such as photo contests. These scholarships and awards provide needed funds to undergraduate and graduate students who have a focused interest in South Asian or Middle East studies.
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The Annual Fund meets the department's most compelling needs and greatest opportunities, including the recruitment and retention of talented faculty and development of programs specific to the undergraduate and graduate population.
The Middle Eastern Studies fund allows us to expand awareness of the region and its societies through lectures, conferences, symposia, etc., and expand course offerings in area studies and languages of the regions for students interested in these world areas.
The South Asian Studies fund allows us to expand awareness of the region and its societies through lectures, conferences, symposia, etc., and expand course offerings in area studies and languages of the regions for students interested in these world areas.
The India Studies fund allows us to broaden the spectrum of regular course offerings on India, helping to promote awareness of India both within and outside the university. The fund makes possible the appointment of faculty who present dynamic courses that enhance students' knowledge of the region and culture, as well as provide leadership skills necessary to advise business, government and educational institutions on matters relating to India.
The Iranian Studies Support Fund is a long-term endowment whose proceeds support academic and cultural programs related to Iran, including Persian language and literature courses.
The Pakistani Studies Fund supports academic and public engagement activities on Pakistan and supports courses on Pakistani language and culture on campus.
The CSAMES Award Fund is used to support students in various ways that will further the CSAMES mission.
The CSAMES Award Fund was established in 2017 to support student paper prizes, study abroad scholarships, and other creative competitions such as photo contests. These scholarships and awards provide needed funds to undergraduate and graduate students who have a focused interest in South Asian or Middle East studies.